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All Ages. All Levels. All Sports. All Seasons.

Classes / Events: Classes
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Group Classes

Safe, Social, & Fun

Improve athletic performance, enhance communication and leadership skills, develop creativity and coordination in a safe, social and fun atmosphere. The program design & games are fresh and updated consistently to keep your young athlete motivated, attentive and inspired. Start your own group or join one of the many athletic groups already in session!



Build Your Foundation

Get all the benefits of a group class in your own private personal setting. Programs are specifically made and tailored for your needs and recorded on a weekly basis to track progress. Highly recommended for new athletes who are looking to develop basis motor skills- such as throwing, catching, & running, and build a strong solid foundation. Book your class today!

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Parties & Events

Celebration Time

Birthdays are once a year and truly a celebration of life. Take the guess work away and bring live action sports to your party with the funnest games to keep everyone engaged with an upbeat atmosphere and liven the mood with exceptional quality service.

  • Bday Parties

  • School Events

  • Fundraisers

  • Graduations

  • Weekly Jamborees

Classes / Events: Text
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